One-Stop Centre for International Students
How OSCi can help you?
OSCi Coordinator
Dr. Abdullah Mahfoud Salem Baadhem
One-Stop Centre for International Students or OSCi, is established as an intermediary to assist UniMAP international students in solving problems they face during their stay in UniMAP. Its establishment is to ensure that the implementation of the delivery system for every matter related to international students can be carried out smoothly and improved from time to time. With the establishment of this OSCi, it is hoped that all related matters can be executed by the related responsible centre more efficiently, and comprehensively and subsequently will increase the number of international student enrolment to UniMAP.
The implementation of OSCi is a new way to solve the problems faced by international students involving the related responsible centre in UniMAP. OSCi will be the benchmark for a comprehensive, fast and accurate service that meets the needs of international students.
(+6o)11 5857 0918
Center for Student Activities
UniMAP Main Campus, Pauh Putra